Let's keep Carmen's soup kitchen open
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Carmen's your boundary-pushing, award-winning winemaker in South Africa. She's also taken on fighting hunger in communities near Stellenbosch
Angels in the UK have already helped Carmen raise $183,000 to provide 1.7 million nutritious meals to children in need — and we want to make that number even higher!
Here's what's really incredible - just $36 feeds a child 2 meals a day for a whole year, meaning they're happier, healthier and have a better future
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In the heart of the South African wine industry, 3 out of 4 children go hungry…
Having seen the devastating impact hunger has on these children's lives, Carmen started a soup kitchen with local mothers, run entirely on donations
Your fellow Angels in the UK have already raised nearly $200,000 to keep it going and provide 2 warm meals to students every day
So far, over 1.7 million meals have been served to thousands of hungry children… now Carmen needs your help to feed more
“ This has given me that warm tingly buzz that goes with a great big teary eyed smile from ear to ear. ”
Stephen M., Angel
With Angels' support, 9 schools have already reported increased attendance and better grades — just because these kids are getting two nutritious meals per day.
Before this, these kids were so hungry they couldn't concentrate in class
The littlest ones are getting all the nutrients to avoid stunted growth and build stronger immune systems — and it's Angels like you who are making it possible.
“ This is the best donation I have ever made ”
Andrew M., Angel
Let's pull together to give Carmen's kids a better future
These kids need our help more than ever – especially now that food prices are on the rise…
Now's our chance to show the world what the US Angels can do!
If we do it right, Carmen will get the chance to help even more schoolchildren in her community.
"Angels, I am truly humbled by your generosity over the past two years. Now, with your help, we can club together to feed the kids for another year. Never in a million years did I think this was possible. I have immense gratitude and appreciation for all you have done for our South African kids. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Carmen Stevens, Winemaker