Naked In Memoriam

Naked In Memoriam

Started 04/16/2015 by Robert Minto


Naked Wines is a Family where we share a love of wine and the joys a family brings to each other. Naked In Memoriam serves to support our family when things aren't so great and we have suffered a loss. Please feel free to share pictures and stories about any losses you suffer. Your friends are here for you and we all care deeply.

Member List

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Robert Minto
Patty Collins
Josette DiCarlo
Carol Lynn Coronios - Naked in NY
Tonya Rhodes
Bonnie Urban
Michelle Valier
LaDonna Needs more wine
Jurhee Ivy--with a proud Texas Halo
Carol Palkki
Samela Dorey
Larry Reilley
Jan Waite-Schuster (Naked in WI)
Michele Parent
Rod MacArthur is Archaic in WA
Ronni Graff
Greg Golden
Donna Walsh Wine Geek in FL andVT
Laura Wing
Karen Smith