Naked Winemaker

Peter 'Juicy' Gajewski



Giving you access to Australia's juiciest wines

  • Peter’s story can be summed up in 5,000 acres — from helping out in a vineyard as a child to harvesting fruit from that exact same spot as a Senior Winemaker for Australia's most iconic producer Penfolds. 

  • He’s spent the last 40 years making world-famous blends from Scotts Creek — the vineyard he helped plant as a kid — only now he’s making wines under his own name. It doesn't get much more full circle than that!

  • Angel funding is allowing Peter to bring his legacy to wine drinkers everywhere — big, rich and unashamedly enjoyable wine at a ridiculously good value. He really knows how to squeeze the most out of Scotts Creek fruit — they don’t call him Juicy for nothing!


Peter 'Juicy''s Activity