They've done it again! What I originally called "my favorite Sauvignon Blanc" has retained its title for yet another vintage! Yes, I do try other Sauvs, and I enjoy them all, but this has become THE Sauv Blanc in my house. I honestly breezed through the first bottle (I have a standing pre-order of 9 per vintage) and didn't get a chance to write down any tasting notes. But there's more tasting to come, don't worry. What I can tell you; it was delicious and downright delightful. Fruity, not too fruity though. Felt a touch green on the first sip or two, but after just a moment of breathing the wine took its final form as an absolutely incredible Sauvignon Blanc. Can't wait for bottle number two! Maybe this time I'll remember to write down some notes...maybe. Cheers!!
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Erik Larson (Naked in Iowa) just liked Barbara's post
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Erik Larson (Naked in Iowa) just liked LaDonna's post
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Scott Peterson ROX Sonoma Coast Chardonnay 2023
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Juicy's Chardonnay 2021
Mick Schroeter Dry Creek Fume Blanc Sauvignon Blanc 2022
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Kruger Family Old Vines Chenin Blanc 2020
Matt Iaconis Napa Valley Chardonnay 2020
Michaud Columbia Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2020
Sacchetto Col de L'Utia Prosecco Rosé 2020
Scott Peterson Brass Tacks California Pinot Noir 2019
Winemakers Erik is Archangel to
Oscar Aragón
Mick Schroeter
Jesse Katz
Meaghan Hodge & Stephen Millier
Penelope Gadd-Coster
Bruno Lapierre
Yian Lu
Dave Harvey
Patrice Grasset
Cellar Cru
Sharon Weeks
David Marchesi