Hop Art Brewery



The creation of Hop Art is the fulfilment of a long held aspiration to bring a genuine craft beer brewery to the Craft Town of Farnham, or Blacknest to be more precise. The founders, Erik and Tony share a passion for beers that deliver real character and flavour and we will do anything to ensure that all the Hop Art beers produced stand out form the crowd. Our goal, to make beers that go beyond traditional real ale, is immediately evident when you look at our range of beer styles. We have started with seven very distinct beers ranging from light but flavoursome blonde ale through to our dark, rich roasted espresso of a porter. Each of these beers holds true to the type but has enough of our own hoppy twist to make it a Hop Art original. We like to think of them as classics remastered but always with finesse and some extra new world or US hops. Both Erik and Tony believe with conviction that Hop Art can bring something new to the craft. That magical something is an openminded, contemporary approach without prejudice or dogma getting in the way. Understanding that brewing is partly art, partly craft but mostly process and endless cleaning! Cultural and philosophic diversity has also contributed to our approach. Whilst Erik and Tony are very English, having lived here most of their lives and been old school friends originally, they are also both very European in outlook. Erik is Belgian by birth and therefore has brewing in his blood, not to mention in his family. His deep understanding of beer styles and flavours not to mention his superhuman nose for hops make him a brewing titan. Belgium is justifiably regarded as having one of the most venerable of brewing histories and certainly can claim they have always been masters of the process. We shall continue to draw inspiration from their fine beers. Tony hails from a very different land, possibly the greatest wine producing nation, Italy. Whilst never turning his back on wine, beer and especially diverse and interesting beers have always been a passion. Being Italian, it has to look right, be the right colour, smell right and damn well taste great, ordinary doesn't cut it. You could say that Erik provides the hop and Tony provides the art, the synergy is clearly visible in the results.

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Blacknest Industrial Park Blacknest Road Bentley, Hampshire, GU34 4PX,

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